Amyl Week: 30% off all amyl poppers + 1 free
Here you'll find clear, detailed definitions of all the terms you may come across when browsing our world.
- Alkyl Nitrites: Chemical compounds used in poppers, known for their muscle relaxant and vasodilatory effects.
- Amyl Nitrite: Specific type of alkyl nitrite commonly used as a sex booster.
- Aphrodisiac: A substance that enhances sexual desire or libido.
- Aroma: A term often used to designate poppers, particularly in contexts where the sale of poppers is regulated.
- Bear: Refers to an older, heavyset man, often with a lot of body hair. Associated with a certain culture within the LGBTQI+ community.
- Chemsex: The use of drugs, including poppers, in a sexual context to enhance pleasure, often associated with longer or riskier sexual encounters.
- Euphoria: A feeling of intense excitement and happiness, sometimes associated with the use of poppers.
- Formula: The chemical composition or recipe of poppers, which varies depending on the specific type and brand.
- Inhaler: Device to facilitate the inhalation of popper vapours, designed to maximise efficiency and minimise waste.
- Leather Cleaner: A euphemistic term used to describe poppers in some markets or contexts.
- Libido: Sexual desire or drive, which may be influenced by substances like poppers in some individuals.
- Lubricant: Substance used to reduce friction during sexual activity, sometimes used in conjunction with poppers.
- Nitrite: A chemical compound containing the nitrite group (NO2), used in poppers for its physiological effects.
- Pentyl Nitrite: Yet another type of alkyl nitrite used for all occasions.
- Poppers: Slang term for alkyl nitrites, used recreationally for their vasodilatory effects.
- Poppers Accessories: Various items or tools related to the use or storage of poppers, such as inhalers, bottles, or storage containers.
- Poppers Training: Used to increase tolerance to poppers, often in a sexual or recreational context.
- Propyl Nitrite: Another type of alkyl nitrite occasionally used in parties and gatherings
- Recreational Use: Non-medical or leisure use of substances like poppers to achieve altered states of consciousness or physiological effects.
- Regulars: Slang for frequent users of poppers or customers who regularly purchase them.
- Safety Cap: A cap or seal on poppers bottles designed to prevent accidental spills and leaks.
- Sexual Enhancer: Substance or product intended to improve sexual function or experience, sometimes associated with poppers.
- Sexual Stimulant: Substance or product intended to enhance sexual arousal or performance, sometimes used in conjunction with poppers.
- Topper: Slang for a type of poppers bottle with a nozzle or cap used to administer the liquid.
- Vasodilator: Substance that widens blood vessels, like poppers, which can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure.
- Viagra: Medication used to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis, sometimes used with poppers.